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Another Lazy Sunday

 Not a whole lot happened today. I took a nice nap while Brandon and Paxton hung out. We went on our daily ice cream run and we enjoyed it outside in the sun. It was beautiful here today.

Pax has been getting a lot of headaches on the left side. He has a history of migraines but is indicating that these feel different. They are going to do a MRI tomorrow just to make sure nothing has changed. They aren’t overly concerned, but don’t want to miss anything. He has to be sedated and the appointment isn’t until 4:00. He’s going to be one hungry boy when he wakes up.

Tomorrow is his first day of school group. He’s super excited. A couple of kiddos discharged this weekend so I’m not sure how many there will be in the class.

Bray had a blast at the rodeo and spending time with my family. Today he spent the day at his friend Caiden’s house. We are very fortunate to have so much help.

Thanks again for everyone’s support and generosity. We appreciate all of you. 



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