I'm not sure if anyone even checks this anymore since I kind of stopped doing updates. I apologize for the gap in time. To be honest, I've been struggling with some depression over Milton's death and PTSD about Paxton. I am working on both of these and hoping to start feeling better. Enough about me. Paxton is doing AMAZING! He is done with PT. He crushed all his goals and they said there wasn't much more they could do for him. He is still in OT 1x week, mostly working on fine motor skills with his right hand. He currently does any writing or drawing with both hands. He continues with speech therapy twice a week. Speech is still his biggest deficit, but he has come so far. He struggles with bigger words or saying longer sentences. He communicates great and everyone knows what he is saying. School is going great. They just completed state-wide testing and he surpassed all the goals that were set at the beginning of the year before his stroke. We are all so incredibly p...
On the afternoon of November 29, 2021, Paxton suffered a brain bleed and lost his ability to talk or move his right side. He was put on a medical flight to Denver and was admitted to the PICU. This blog is to keep everyone posted on his progress. There is also a Go Fund Me page set up for donations toward medical and travel bills: https://www.gofundme.com/f/paxtons-stroke-recovery
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